Maple Farming: Clear and precise information to maximize your return. Be alerted as soon as a problem arises. Perform your tasks remotely while simultaneously being busy at other priorities. Simple and optimal.

Telecommunication work forms the very foundation of your electronic system. Therefore, we pay just as important attention to the quality and stability of your telecommunications system as to the control & monitoring devices that it will link together.
With radio frequencies, wifi, fiber optics and cellular, it becomes possible to accommodate all the realities encountered. We can interconnect very distant sites and create large local IP networks.

Wago controllers (or other type of PLC) are used for reliable inputs and outputs connections carrying out a wide range of multiple sequence automation for you, with the greatest of simplicity.

The powerful Home Assistant: control, automation and data analysis software, is the one chosen for its infinite capacities.
A internet connexion everywhere on your sites gives you access to the cloud tools offered by Home Assistant and allows you to visualize and do your operations remotely with your cell phone.

All type of sensors are available to use: Vacuum, Temperature, Level of water Wind speed, Solar radiation, Atmospheric pressure, Flowmeters

Once the telecommunication work is finished, we install cameras so you can have a quick look at your equipment as if you were there.